Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Can I Get Some Air Conditioning?

I am bogged down with the end of the semester at seminary. I've thought about posting several times, but then I realize I have a lot of work to do. So, I will briefly post some updates.

  • On April 18 and 19, we welcomed Lucas and Jody Parry to our home and church. Lucas has an amazing ministry using media and music to call people to do their part to end poverty around the world. You should definately check out Lucas' websites and his ministry! Go to www.lucasparry.com or www.thegoconcert.com
  • Andrea, Abbie and myself went to Baltimore for a few days away. We had a great time hanging out together as a family. We went to the aquarium and the zoo. While it was too short, it was a nice time away.
  • Andrea went on a women's retreat this past weekend, which meant that Abbie and I were home together all weekend. What an amazing time having fun together. We played and laughed the entire weekend. If I learned nothing else, I learned that I could care for Abbie if something happened to Andrea...at least until Abbie hits puberty! (I hope I never have to be in that situation though!)
  • I drove to Philly today for school and it was near 90 degrees. I am starting my second summer with no air conditioning in my car. It was a hot, sweaty ride up.
  • I only have two weeks of school left this semester. I am so thankful for that.

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