Friday, March 18, 2005

Before and After Easter

During my devotion time today, I was reading in John where Jesus reinstates Peter. Earlier, Peter denied Jesus three times as Jesus was in the process of being tried before the Jewish council. After the resurrection, Jesus ask Peter three times if Peter loves him(Jesus). Each time, Peter says yes...and each time Jesus tells him to "feed my sheep."

Peter is a great example of someone before the cross/resurrection and after. While Peter was a disciple, he often did not understand Jesus and denied even knowing Him. Yet, after the cross and resurrection, Jesus reaches out to Peter and reconnects their relationship. I have to imagine that Peter was hurting inside becuase he denied knowing Jesus. When we fast forward to the book of Acts, the gift of the Holy Spirit is given to the 120 in the room. Who is it that is preaching to the crowd? Peter! Acts says that 3,000 became believers that day.

Before the cross/resurrection, Peter was a bumbling disciple who denied even knowing his rabbi who he acknowledge was the Messiah. After the cross/resurrection Peter is powerful, eloquent, and effective in ministry.

I feel like Peter. There are times that my actions, thoughts, or words deny Jesus. Without Easter, I could not be 'reinstated' or forgiven. I couldn't experience the vibrant new-life that comes through God's grace. Without Easter, I am utterly lost and confused...since Easter, I can bask in God's love and fulfill his purpose for my life.

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