Thursday, September 30, 2010

Laying It All Out

Seth Godin writes,

"The problem with putting it all on the line is that it might not work out.  The problem with not putting it all on the line is that it will never (ever) change for the better. Not much of a choice, I think. No risk, no art. No art, no reward." 
Does your church put it all on the line?  If not, why not?  Why do we allow fear to cripple us when we serve the Christ who has overcome the world? 

What would your church look like if you laid it all on the line?  What would your marriage look like if you laid it all on the line?  How would you parent your children if you laid it out on the line?

No risk, no art.  No art, no reward. 

High risk- high reward.

Church- let's go all out.  Let's lay it all out on the line for Jesus. Let's allow God to use us for something great!

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