Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fellowship of the King

This past Sunday, I began a series called Living Life Together where we'll be looking at the book of 1 John and how John encourages his congregations to live together in love.  I'll be posting outlines on here the week after the sermon.
Sermon:    Fellowship of the King
Scripture:  1 John 1:1-4

Background information on 1 John
  • written to John's congregations in Turkey and around Ephesus
  • John's congregation are facing a schism- unorthodox teaching has infiltrated the church
  • Mainly- teaching that denies the deity of Jesus Christ
  • John writes to remind the congregation that Jesus is God and about how to live and love one another.
John's Authority:
  • John reminds his congregation that he spent significant time with Jesus- experiencing all that Jesus did in his ministry.  John had first hand knowledge.
  • The Word of Life that John speaks of is Jesus Christ- God in flesh who has "moved into the neighborhood."
Jesus is the Reason:
  • John reminds his readers that Jesus is the reason for all he does. 
  • John proclaims salvation with authority.
Called to Community:
  • The reason John proclaims salvation through Jesus is so that all people might enter into fellowship with God and God's church.
  • Fellowship means to "have something in common" such as a shared experience or labor.
  • As Christians, our common salvation through Jesus Christ is what binds us together.
  • That fellowship is never closed- like John, we are called to proclaim salvation so that others might enter into community with God through Jesus Christ.

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