Wednesday, June 29, 2005


What's the deal with us Christians? How come we sometimes act so unchrist-like? My wife works in a Christian workplace where the workers can be rude, gossipping, inconsiderate (and the worst) unprofessional. Of course this isn't everyone. Even in ministry, the people that I have the hardest time dealing with are my good christian "brothers and sisters." Why is that?

On our mission trip last week, one of the tires on our trailer blew out about 2 hours into the trip. We had been cruising along rather nicely, but the blowout really slow us down. Our actions are sometimes like that. We'll be moving right along in our faith and then someone is rude to us, or does something spiteful. It can be a major blowout because we often don't see it coming.

While I don't want to over spiritualize this...God calls us to do better. If we are reflecting Him. We are called to love...called to forgive...called to not cause someone else to stumble.

Lord, help me each day to reflect your love and glory. Mold me into the man, husband, and servant that you desire me to be. Help me to forgive. Help me to love others as myself. Help me to be more like you. Amen.

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